Here's to 2020!! Time for business models innovation in mobility! Time for workshops and training to develop and deploy your innovative and profitable Business Model in Transportation
Based on AVAIRX return on experience and research with our Partners from the Saint Gallen's University and the BMI Lab, AVAIRX studies show that mobility and transportation, their innovations, emerging and non-conventional systems have been taken from different angles : from technological rapid advances, field operational trials, R&D, vehicles electrification, automation, energy procurement, technological pushes and data flows. These ingredients are instrumental to your success and future developments. However, developing the right business models have often failed and developing a winning and profitable business is HARD; start-ups fail, large corporations are disrupted, some file for bankruptcy and territories lose attractiveness. These problems need to be addressed urgently for improved planning and successful introduction of future mobility and transportation systems. Sustainable Development Goals require better use of Innovation, clean energy, industry innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption, caring for life on Earth and take proper actions for Climate and sustainable business models.
This why, over 2020, we have developed and offer a series of training and methodology workshops to develop and deploy your innovative business models in mobility and transportation. You will henceforth use new tools, study successful business models across the board, in different industries and transportation and prepare for your successful mobility offers and plans.
These workshops will be dispatched throughout the year, the first ones will be held in Paris, France. For more information and to register, please go to Eventbrite, we offer early bird discounts. See you soon, inventors, start-ups, entrepreneurs and mobility planners and transportation stakeholders!