Design Thinking, R&D, Planning and Pioneering CCAM Autonomous Mobility in all Territories : How the Tornado Project accelerates AV Acceptance

Design Thinking, R&D, Planning and Pioneering CCAM Autonomous Mobility in all Territories : How the Tornado Project accelerates AV Acceptance

On November 5th 2020, Tornado, the Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) R&D project held an online workshop to draw conclusions and review recommendations for next steps.

The unique autonomous vehicles field operational tests (FOT) have been executed in France, in the suburban and rural Rambouillet district, south of the Greater Paris Area.

Financed by the Greater Paris Region - Ile de France; AVAIRX alongside 10 R&D partners Renault, Rambouillet Territories, Exoskills, Easymile, 4d Virtualize, IFSTTAR, INRIA, Institut Pascal, Lacroix City, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, UTC Compiègne, was invited to present conclusions of the AVAIRX design thinking methodology.

AVAIRX’s mission was to address future passenger and client needs, moving the levers and paths forward, towards a broader CCAM and mobility automation acceptance. In co-operation with the transport manager of Rambouillet Territories, Renault and Exoskills, AVAIRX executed its design thinking process with a community of local beta-testers and residents, which, at it’s peak attendance during the workshops, reached around 100 participants, over the past 36 months.

The objective of the project was to develop networks, in order to transform the Rambouillet Territories Community (CART), into a pleasant and attractive place to live for all generations, particularly for the working population. A “smart territory”, with two main short-term priorities: mobility and connectivity.

Over the course of the project 6 work packages were carried out: 1) Produce specifications for a safe, secure and resilient mobility system; 2) Offer a transversal safety and security system (for all vehicles and all use cases tested), 3) Demonstrate the technologies and know-how provided by the stakeholders and partners; 4) Prepare them for a larger-scale deployment with the principles of CCAM, and thus develop their respective activities and businesses 5) Design a framework for scalable field operation tests at the scale of an urban area; and, 6) Prepare the ground for alternative and sustainable mobility solutions, prefiguring tomorrow’s transport system.

One of the project’s main conclusions underlined the need for bridging future clients’ needs to future business models, revenue streams and sustainable, affordable CCAM offers.

In this respect, since 2018, AVAIRX offers dedicated strategic consulting missions and training, covering a variety of community needs, from designing next generation mobility hubs in smart territories, platform developments to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) acceptance analysis, methodology and services. Our user-centric approach is backed by our four founding principles: Avantgarde, Sustainable Innovation, Research and Development and eXploration as a Lab.

The overall project was financed by BPI France, the Greater Paris area Region Ile de France, Region Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Region Occitanie, Clermont Aubergne Metropole.

The project was facilitated by the European aerospace cluster Aerospace Valley, the mobility cluster MOVEO and the Viameca cluster embedded in the UCA university


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